Providing Chromebooks for schools for the Blind in Kenya
In 2023, in partnership with InAble, we provided 480 Chromebooks for teachers and students in grades 4 to 6 across four schools for children who are blind or have low vision in Kenya. Previously, these students had limited access to paper and braille, and only had access to a shared computer lab up to one hour per day. A group of Googlers traveled to Kenya and watched students open up their Chromebooks for the first time. They were dancing, and crying with excitement — and so were we. With access to more technology and training, a whole new world would become available to them.
We also funded a brand new computer lab, providing Chromebooks for people with and without disabilities in the village of Kairi in Kenya. Thanks to inAble, children and adults who had limited or no access to computers, now receive digital skills training. The lab also brings together students from different areas, abilities and backgrounds, aiming to reduce the stigma surrounding people with disabilities who are often hidden from society in this region.