7 Important Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Certain personality traits, such as curiosity, creativity, and courage, can help you find innovative solutions to problems in the marketplace. There are many different types of entrepreneurs, each with a different motivation and skill set, but a few traits are useful to cultivate no matter what kind of business you run or entrepreneur you aspire…

How To Become a Better Writer: 10 Writing Tips

Imagine you run an online floral shop and your content marketing strategy involves a weekly newsletter. It’s full of amusing anecdotes and insights into the wider floral world—all written in a clever style to entertain and delight readers. The success of your newsletter could lead to higher open rates and perhaps even higher click-through rates…

Growth Hacking: What It Is and How To Do It

Quality products are the foundation of good businesses, but what are great products without an audience? Customer acquisition—i.e., finding new customers for your products—aims to solve this conundrum, but often at a high cost. This is where growth hacking comes in.  Growth hacking is a startup buzzword coined in 2010 to describe high-impact strategies for…

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